Dictation and Transcription Equipment

We offer transcription headsets, dictation equipment, cassette tapes, power adapters, microphones, telephone record adapters, pc footpedals as well as foot pedals for microcassette transcribers, and much more. We carry new and used cassette transcribers. We also have a wide selection of digital recorders and pc transcription software. give us a call if you are not finding what you need.

Spectra SPN Headset

Spectra SPN Headset
Item# SP-N

Product Description

Spectra SPN headset with Norelco connector. The Spectra is light weight, comfortable and the finest style of dictation headset available. It's two speakers give balanced and crystal clear delivery. Its underchin bow, twin speaker style headset is comfortable and practical. The set itself weighs in at less than 1 oz. The Spectra comes equipped with two soft, velvet like ear cushions. This unit is a must for anyone, the heavy transcriptionist or light user. It's compatible with all Philips / Norelco transcribers that have round mini din plug .

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