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Dictaphone 0421 C-Phone
Product Description
Dictaphone 0421 C-Phone with phone cord, microphone and power supply.
The 0421 C-Phone includes the AC adapter, 860003 dictation microphone and phone cord. Controls for record, playback, and rewind, along with other indexing functions, are designed for easy use with both the left and right hand. There is also a top-mounted speaker for clear, precise playback.
Offers one-touch dictation access to a variety of Dictaphone central systems, including the Enterprise Express and the StraightTalk NE dictation/report management system.
Specially designed telephone-style handset offers complete control of record, playback, and rewind functions...all with a touch of your thumb.
Twenty-one programmable keys provide single-touch assess to system features and other functions. Keys can be programmed to input demographics, such as author ID, department, worktype etc., or "macros" can be created for enhanced functionality.
The 0421 C-phone is also a fully-functional telephone, featuring a 100 name/number directory, speaker phone, speed dialing and many other capabilities.
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