Dictation and Transcription Equipment

We offer transcription headsets, dictation equipment, cassette tapes, power adapters, microphones, telephone record adapters, pc footpedals as well as foot pedals for microcassette transcribers, and much more. We carry new and used cassette transcribers. We also have a wide selection of digital recorders and pc transcription software. give us a call if you are not finding what you need.

Nuance PowerMic 4

Nuance PowerMic 4
Item# newitemPM4-9
Regular price: $429.00
Sale price: $329.00

Product Description

Nuance PowerMic 4 -the new generation of PowerMic is seamlessly integrated with Dragon Medical One - making it easier and faster to control dictation, navigate and select fields in on-screen templates and standard reports, and move through recognized text reports for review and editing. In addition to providing complete dictation control, Nuance PowerMic 4 incorporates full-function, Microsoft® compatible, PC mouse capabilities into the microphone to reduce the need for users to move between the microphone, mouse, and keyboard.

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